Firstly, let’s get the formalities out of the way….Happy New Year! There I said it! But so what? We flipped the calendar. It ain’t any different than it was yesterday, last week, last year. So big deal its a new year. Oh, my friend, it can be! It can be an exciting time, a new adventure, a time of change. And you can make it so.
Question for you is did you make any resolutions? If you did, how are you doing with it? Are you plugging away, charging forward or are you getting distracted or giving up? If you didn’t make a resolution, why not? Oh resolutions are for suckers; a big waste of time. Then when you don’t achieve your goal, which most people are done by Jan 10, National Quitters Day or within the first couple months, you feel lousy or shake it off like oh well, I tried. I believe most don’t succeed because of to high of expectations, unrealistic goals and frankly, a lack of trying to put in the effort. That’s me!
So last year, I did monthly challenges for myself. For example, January was no Doritos. I loved them! That cheesy goodness; it so bad for you! And with that one, I did awesome! I only indulged in them twice! Yep twice all year! Another challenge was to get to the gym 2-3 times a week-this was my November Challenge. I failed miserably making it there only 2 times the entire month. To be fair, the first couple weeks I was sick. I had a miserable reaction to who knows what and my face was bright red, like a sunburn and was so dry you could see the cracks in my cheeks. That derailed me, but honestly the latter part of November, well I really don’t like to work out. Period! It is not fun. I have no interest in lifting weights. I don’t enjoy spinning at all! Hurts my butt. Who wants that! A masochist, that’s who. Although I know, I KNOW, that I have to get stronger and get in the exercise…I just dread it! Fun fact too, is I took a job at the YMCA working one day a week and guess what a benefit is? A free membership! I know, I KNOW!
This year again, I have no resolutions but challenging myself again, in small ways. Because for me, breaking things down into smaller, more reasonable goals, habits, tasks, is way more doable and I don’t get overwhelmed. I do have a yearly goal that I want to achieve, so breaking it down into monthly intentions can work. I say CAN and not WILL because I know my flaws, I get off track at times. I am being realistic. The gurus out there would say my mindset is wrong and I should have purposeful intent but I have always been a realist. I am not hyping myself way up to be disappointed in the end if I don’t reach said goal.
Like last night. So my challenge for this month is no alcohol. Not that I drink a lot but I will have an occasional glass of wine in the evening, I’ll have a beer or two with my pizza on football Sunday because that is just what you do. Plus I do Friday cocktails with a friend every week. It is more of the fact that alcohol has a lot of sugar and that is a good way to reduce it. Trying to get my metabolism on track with reduced sugar, no crappy food and no late night snacks. Well last night, I didn’t have a drink but I did have a 9:30 snack-cucumbers and hummus-then some Pringles. I know! Processed stuff that I am trying to avoid but I love the salt. Do I feel guilty? A smidge. But I give myself grace. I will mess up. That doesn’t mean throw up my hands, ” I tried, oh well”. No. This is something for my health which I started working on last year but this year has to be the focus.
I thought last year was going to be the year of health. 2023 was my year of mindset, growth, shifting my thought patterns. 2024, I was looking to grow my business and get healthy. What happened instead was I became more spiritual, more connected with God. The first half of the year was all about trying to learn as much as I can about business, marketing, social media, building a website, masterminds, creating courses. I got to be so much. Every week I was attending some class, seminar, summit. I was going, going, going, and not getting anywhere. Additionally, I had some personal issues with my sisters which shifted my perspective and then my car getting stolen….the year was knocking me around. But in the midst of all of this, I built a stronger relationship with God. During all this I knew everything would be ok because God takes care of me. He always has! But specifically this year, I have spent more time reading, praying and just having conversations anywhere, anytime with God. What I intended for 2024 was not what I received. And I am delighted!
So what about you? How’s you mind, body and soul? Are you doing work that is satisfying? Are you happy in your relationships, your spouse, you kids, your friends? Are you feeling good about your health, you finances, your daily life? Are you just going through the motions? Are you going to go through another year of just getting by, going through the motions, being unsatisfied or unfulfilled? Why not make it a happy new year. Start with this month, this week, this day. Just a little something. It doesn’t have to be grandiose, just start something small. Examples like cut out an hour of TV or doom scrolling(you know you do it) and pick up a book, play a game with kids, do some somatic exercises. Start bringing your coffee from home instead of buying it at the trendy places and save that money for vacation or something that you have been wanting or pay extra on your credit card. Drink more water by doing the trendy thing and filling your water flask multiple times and take it with you wherever you go(I have mine here while I write this. For me, it works because it is right in my face saying “drink me”. And I never drank water. When I say never, I mean only if I have to take a pill and that was too much).
This is my new water bottle. I asked for one for Christmas. Carrying water with me everywhere really does help me get in way more daily than I used to. Seeing it is a constant reminder.
Those are just some ideas. Think of something that you would like to make different. How can you make a small change that can start to have a impact in your life? You can even Google ideas. You don’t need a resolution. You don’t need a new year to start to do something good for yourself. Every new day is a good day to get going, set an intention, reach for a goal. Start being a champion of your life! Good luck. We got this!💪